Thursday 3 November 2011

The Tea Party Express Website

The above website belongs to a faction of the Tea Party movement named The Tea Party Express. Through their website they publicise national tours they have taken throughout America to encourage the Tea Party movement, and proudly proclaim themselves 'the most aggressive and influential Tea Party group in the political arena.' They also actively participate in propelling conservative candidates into election seats; deeming themselves the deciding factor in the majority of elections.

One of the most interesting things to note about this website, and indeed the Tea Party movement itself, is that they desire to hold the controlling vote; confidently (in some cases arrogantly) considering themselves extremely influential, especially with regards to presidential elections. Although, they are split into many different factions and divisions of individuals, who appear to have their own specific purposes for backing the movement; they are united in a main cause they describe as 'simple', but they are divided in their approach.

The general wordage used in their captions is very patriotic and invokes historical expressions, such as 'shining city on a hill' and 'American prosperity', as incentives to back their cause - this method would particularly appeal to many Americans who still believe in the American dream as their 'natural' right. The overall attitude seems to be concerned with removing government control and reducing spending in all avenues of American life; viewing the government as being 'out of control.'

Their approach could be perceived as being rather hypocritical, with one of their main principles being to 'reduce intrusiveness' of the government, when they themselves intrude on both political parties by selectively choosing candidates to back. Their website even contains photographs and names of political persons they specify as 'targets'.

Their tour is detailed within the website, named 'Reclaiming America', where they offer up a large scale map with precise timings for their debates across the nation. Another link reveals a blog which appears centred around the theme of counteracting racist claims; based upon their infamous anti-Obama strategies and suggestions the Liberal party has made towards their ethics.

An important link on the website contains a video of Herman Cain, speaking to the media on the last stop of their recent Tea Party tour. It reveals that, although the Tea Party asserts adversion to being fully submersed in American politics, by denying the creation of a third party in a notoriously two party nation; they are in fact considering endorsing a Tea Party member for the 2012 presidential election. This could be construed as a move to control the system for themselves, despite their overall party ethos.

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