Thursday, 29 September 2011

Images that mean 'America' to me

This is my negative image choice for what instantly says 'America' to me; it's CCTV footage from the Columbine massacre in 1999. I chose this because gun crime has always been an issue in America, especially with such loose gun control laws, and i thought the shock of something so horrific happening in a place that's supposed to be safe, highlights this issue. I think it shows that it has spread out of control and is affecting their children, their future, more than any other place in the Western world.

This is my positive image choice for what instantly says 'America' to me; it's the Big Sur stretch of Highway 1 on California's coastline. I chose this image because of what it represents: freedom, adventure and beauty. When i think of America, i think of these three things and the idea of hitting the road and never looking back - America is full of these big open stretches of road, and images like this one encourage you to take advantage of that. When i look at this picture, i see a fresh start and opportunities; i see the essence of what America means to me.